Search Tips
Here are some useful tips to help you with your keyword searches. Once you've run a keyword search, you can apply filters (job category, institution, location). You can also browse jobs by simply selecting a filter.
Type your word(s) or phrase(s) into the Keyword box. Searches are not case sensitive, so you don’t need to capitalize. There are several ways to construct your keyword search:
Your search will return every job posting containing that word.
Example: architecture
Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to return only job postings containing that exact phrase.
Example: “Medieval history” or "tenure track"
If you enter several words/phrases, your search will return only job postings containing all of the words/phrases.
Example: tenure track medieval history
Use the plus (+) symbol to include words and/or the minus (-) symbol to exclude words
business +accounting -marketing
student +services -admissions
Enter several words/phrases separated by the word OR to find every job posting containing at least one of the words/phrases
"tenure track" OR tenured
"distance education" OR "online learning"
Online Learning
Ben Nelson: The Man Who Would Overthrow Harvard
The Wall Street Journal
'If you think as we do," says Ben Nelson, "Harvard's the world's most valuable brand." He doesn't mean only in higher education. "Our goal is to displace Harvard. We're perfectly happy for Harvard to be the world's second most valuable brand."
Asda Launches Degree Course
The Guardian
UK supermarket Asda is launching a three-year degree course in distribution or retail for 30 of its staff. The scheme involves 12 days of classroom workshops, work-based assessment as well as online studies, leading to a BA degree.
No Laughing Matter: Why the University Novel is Now More Tragedy Than Comedy
The Guardian
I must say that since starting to go to conferences on medical themes, the quality of the junk mail in my inbox has improved dramatically. Earlier today I was offered a discount on transgenic mice. If I order one line I get a 30% discount, but if I order five lines or more there's a whopping 50% reduction. Not long ago, I was offered rabbits pumped full of monoclonal antibodies. I wonder if the company takes PayPal?
In Four Books, Four Different Visions for Fixing Higher Education
The Washington Post
In a famous episode of “The Sopranos,” Tony takes his teenage daughter on a college trip to an idyllic New England hamlet, only to run across a long-lost informant in hiding, whom he ends up garrotting in the mud while his daughter tours the picturesque ivy-and-brick campus. Those of us who have recently been on college visits may feel that Tony drew the easier assignment. Give me a choice between comparing financial aid proposals and fighting a bad guy to the death, and I’ll be asking you to pass me the wire.
Travel the World From Your Classroom: Free iPad Apps for Virtual Field Trips
Not every school has the resources necessary to take their students on an airplane . . . or spaceship. The iPad can bring the world to your students' fingertips in ways never before possible. Many national parks and museums have apps designed for onsite visitors. These navigational tools are also great for classrooms who can't make the trip. In fact, a variety of free apps can be used as virtual field trips so that children can travel the world from your classroom!
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