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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a public comprehensive university dedicated to the communication, expansion and integration of knowledge through excellent undergraduate education as its first priority and complementary excellent graduate and professional academic programs; through the scholarly, creative and research activity of its faculty, staff and students; and through public service and cultural and arts programming in its region.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, as a premier Metropolitan University, will be recognized nationally for the excellence of its programs and development of professional and community leaders.
Recognizing public education as the cornerstone of a democracy, SIUE carries out its mission based on certain fundamental, shared values. We value:
- Social, civic and political responsibility, globally, nationally, locally, and within the University
- Active partnerships and a climate of collaboration and cooperation among faculty, staff, students and the larger community
- Environmental stewardship
- High quality student learning
- Continuous improvement and innovation
- Outstanding scholarship and public service
- Standards consonant with the premier status to which we aspire
- Accountability to those we serve and from whom we receive support
- Honesty in our communications and in our actions
- Inclusion of the rich diversity of humankind in all aspects of university life
- Respect for individual differences
- Intellectual freedom and diversity of thought
- Access for all who can benefit from our programs
- Creation, preservation, and sharing of knowledge
- Application of knowledge in a manner that promotes the common good
- Life-long learning.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Jobs
Student Involvement Director
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville